Trauma Informed Change Readiness & Aging Expertise: Keynote Workshop or Consulting
ReM(i) Provides Evidence Based Seminars, Workshops, and Leadership Empowerment Keynote Speakers
Evidence Based Seminars
Increased performance through engaging joy, transparency and a trauma informed work environment is the way to get the most out of the employees or individuals who work for you.
Changing and controlling people to fit a mold or atmosphere never worked! Emotional intelligence and engagement of passion and skills is! Finding new methodologies to structure around the work environment, without engaging the individual won't work either.
Motivational speaking leaves employees inspired for the training session, but the energy and stamina of the event always leaves with the speaker or dwindles over the coming weeks.
Provide your employees with the tools they can use when they are triggered, uncomfortable, want to have their voice heard but don't know how, and/or want to find new ways to value and work with their cohort that doesn't include strain and restraint.
Book a Workshop or Speaking Engagement.
If you are interested in creating a trauma informed workplace and improving your organizational culture, team dynamics, and workplace environment, we encourage you to reach out to us to discuss our workshop and speaking engagement program options.
Our trauma informed business speakers are experienced culture change agents who can provide practical strategies for fostering a safe and secure space within your organization. They will help you recognize signs of trauma in your employees and provide appropriate support for their wellbeing.
By customizing our workshops to address your specific needs, we can deliver a message that will not only help your employees grow professionally but also personally.
Contact us today to learn more about our pricing options and how we can assist you in creating a more profitable enterprise through a trauma informed lens.
Don't wait any longer – start the journey towards healing!
Seminars include
Happiness Research and Non-Attachment Therapy
Can a practice non-attachment to a life lives prior to the present-tense increase happiness? Can this emotional state of tranquility and non-attachment be learned through our materials objects?
You can choose from:
One (1) 1-hour Powerpoint presentation on Non-Attachment Therapy
One (1) 3-hour Workshop on Non-Attachment Therapy includes the powerpoint lecture, investigation of an early to mid life stage object through writing, and a creative expression hands on activity for all.
Trauma Informed Work Places
This seminar will guide your organization through the six principles of a trauma informed approach, the four R's of trauma informed care, and lead your team through engagement of a trauma informed lens that includes triggers - talking points and more. Your team will learn how to self-rate distress and gain tools for personal accountability.
You can choose from:
One (1) 1.5-hour Powerpoint presentation on Trauma Informed Workplaces with two professional speakers and licensed clinicians with decades of experience
One (1) 4-hour Workshop on Trauma Informed Workplaces includes the Powerpoint, hand outs and workshopping leadership roles so that each individual on your team can experience the outcomes of the work.
Krista P.
“Your opening program was amazing, uplifting, helpful, great discussion. I will look forward to it next time around!”
Re-Empowerment of your staff (e.g., healthcare workers)
This seminar is led by licensed clinicians with decades in the healthcare and aging adult space. Teach your staff to remain present and engaged with the work in a trauma informed way that protects both the mental health of the client and the caregiver.
Foster the collaborative culture that healthcare necessitates. Healthcare was a taxing job prior to COVID and there is still burnout encompassing the industry, through staff shortages and the apathy of post-traumatic stress.
The numbers and caregiver fatigue should not debilitate organizations. The mistake people make is to continue to push through! Doing less through a lens of wellbeing, integrity and compassion is healing for all people in the healthcare environment. Let's find these tools together! The suggestions or stitches, from the soon to be published Stitches for Healthcare Workers will be our guide.
You can choose from:
A one (1) 1-hour Powerpoint presentation titled Re-Empowering Healthcare Workers with two licensed clinicians with decades of experience
A one (1) 4-hour Workshop on Re-Empowering Healthcare Workers which includes the Powerpoint, hand outs and workshopping healthcare roles so that each individual on your team can experience the outcomes a trauma informed care conversation that includes the healthcare worker in their full personhood.
ReM(i) Healthcare
A one-hour healthcare seminar can also serve as team-building and introduce your staff to the positive impact and tools from Stitches for Seniors by best selling author Elanit Linder, to engage your staff in empowering the clientele.
This may seem counterintuitive to the current healthcare system, where healthcare workers need to get a patient, to complete tasks so they can move on to the next client. All research points to the facts that control and rushing, provides worser outcomes while encouragement and guidance can lead to a speedier result with a positive feeling.
This positive feeling saves time and improves morale in the end by reducing complaints, lessens call bells and engages more transparent connections between staff and patients. Healthcare is after all people serving people.
ReM(i) provides self-care tools for upkeep. Visit our YouTube Channel for more.
Places Where we find becoming, seniors and older adults
Choose from professional one-hour seminars for lunchtime team-building, a half-day workshop, or a full day conferences and corporate event. The below seminar offerings are specific to the settings listed:
Long-Term-Care including Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing and over 50 housing, Senior Centers and Community Centers
You can choose from:
A one (1) 1-hour seminar introduces the suggestions and tools from Stitches for Seniors by Bestselling Author Elanit Linder LMSW to help aging adults reframe their thinking for autonomy.
Three (3) 1-hour seminars break up all 30 of the suggestions from Stitches for Seniors into a three-part series
One (1) 4-hour Workshop systematizes the entire book into useful tools that seniors can engage with in their own time.
The ReM(i) Seminar and Workshop Leaders Speakers Bureaus tend to stay away from calling their work a Motivational Speakers. Why? Because old school motivation is historically someone with high energy jumping around on stage and imbuing the audience with excitement. What happens when this motivated person leaves?
The energy leaves with them. The individual speaker themselves is the one who has found their personal balance of positive motivation. Each individual has a different purpose, motivation and way of being.
ReM(i) Workshop Leaders present multiple tools from both The Bucket and The Stone and/or Stitches for Seniors, depending on the organization and population they are working with. It is clearly presented that each stitch is a suggestion and tool for personal use, to disrupt old patterns and reengage new neural pathways.
As stated on the therapies page of this website, it is through disruptive joy and meaningfulness that we can all engage in the highest quality of life possible, a quality of life that is tied to our (i) or inner locus of control.
About Elanit Kayne Linder
Elanit Kayne Linder, LCSW is currently the Vice Chair of the Advisory Council at the Agency on Aging at the Agency on Aging of South Central Connecticut and the Director of Aging Adult Services at the Jewish Family Service of Greater New Haven.
Elanit earned a Master of Social Work - MSW, Advanced Generalist Practice and Programming from Columbia University and specializes in group therapies, geriatric care, programming and services, case management, social work, and 1-to-1 therapies encompassing motivational interviewing, EMDR, somatic, cognitive behavioral and exposure therapies, and community outreach and organizational growth.
Elanit Kayne Linder has achieved wide acclaim for her books on topics such as personal healing, EDMR and aging with grace. Her books have been top-sellers in the self-help genre and she has been referred to as a bestseller by numerous publications.
Her writing has inspired countless readers to take control of their lives and find joy in their everyday existence. Elanit’s passion for helping others is evident in each page of her work and it is easy to see why she has become so widely respected in the industry.
This website is a resource for event professionals and event planners looking to find entertaining speakers with evidence based information to inspire their clientele. ReM(i) provides a comprehensive catalog of thought leaders and industry experts to consider for speaking engagements.
Workshops typically involve hands-on activities, facilitation techniques, group discussions, simulations, and collaborative exercises, which allow participants to explore, ideate, and participate in achieving their desired outcomes. ReM(i) also hosts virtual events.
The key elements of these workshops are the same: they seek to create a dynamic environment that encourages participants to learn from each other, consider their own solutions, and apply the gained knowledge both inside the workshop, in their personal lives, and in their place of employment.
These workshops are structured and designed in order to help your group achieve a desired outcome of being (i)n community. Living and breathing (i)n community means transparent engagement with the people around you.
A workshop facilitator will lead a sequence of activities, and breakout sessions, named above with an awareness of timing, flow and group dynamic. The pacing of the group relies on the groups investigation of certain topics and the discussions that evolve. Much of the deep learning comes from interaction, collaboration and the community ideations.
ReM(i) puts and emphasis on active participation, experiential learning and collaborative work, though we by no means make it mandatory. If people would rather listen, this is always an option. There are many different ways to be engaged.
Workshops Based on The Bucket and The Stone by Award-Winning Author Elanit Linder LCSW reports that only 32% of professional public speakers are women, down from 33% in 2017. This is an unfortunate statistic that shows the need for more female voices to be heard in keynote workshops and other speaking engagements. At ReM(i), we strive to empower female voices and recognize the power of these speakers’ stories. We offer a wide range of female-led keynote speakers.
You can choose from:
A one (1) 1-hour seminar introduces the suggestions and tools from The Bucket and The Stone to engage present-tense autonomous thinking for engagement in transitions and the personal executive decision maker.
Three (3) 1-hour seminars break up all 30 of the suggestions from The Bucket and The Stone into a three-part series
One (1) 4-hour Workshop systematizes the entire book into useful tools that (i)ndividuals can engage with throughout their lifetime
ReM(i)'s corporate wellness speakers have both done the work themselves and led numerous clients through it to success. What about visionary leaders who talk about business from a trauma informed lens? Have you heard from leaders who backfill their employee's skills by spending time helping them engage with not only themselves but also their coworkers?
Trauma informed environments build relationships rather than creating deviceveness and using coercion and control. What if your power as a leader was in your transparent uplifting of the employees that you have, drawing out their greatness, resilience and skill set? What would your workplace look like?
Dawn R.
“We loved your PowerPoint presentation. It was very clean and clear. I think people will gain much from attending your sessions.”
A trauma informed business speaker is a culture change agent, providing practical strategies for improving the organizational culture, team dynamics, and workplace environment. They focus on creating a safe and secure space that is free from judgement and open to honest feedback.
They will discuss how to recognize signs of trauma in employees, as well as ways to provide appropriate support to ensure their wellbeing. Additionally, they will speak about how to foster an environment where everyone feels that their skills are needed and their voice heard. This is not therapy. This is team building.
The time organizations save with a trauma informed workplace save money in turn over, save time and money by helping employees stay out of long Human Resources conversations.
This workshop is focused on helping organizations create a trauma informed workplace. Trauma Informed Care (TIC) is based on the understanding that traumatic experiences impact people’s lives, and it emphasizes empowerment, safety, and collaboration. The goal of this workshop is to help organizations understand how to recognize signs of trauma in their employees and provide appropriate support.
The keynotes will are aimed at improving sales, marketing, operations, leadership, strategy, finance, innovation and other aspects of your business, helping to create more profitable enterprises. This approach is simply seeing the goal from a different lens.
Chabad House Workshops
ReM(i) recognizes the Lubavitch community and the outreach that they do through Chabad Houses around the world. ReM(i)'s therapeutic work and (i)conography is based on the work of the Alter Rebbe, author of the Tanya. If a person cannot simply push negativity away, or sweep it from their mind, it's time to engage an evidence based practice in a Chassidshe way. Nuroplasticity and Quantum Physics has everything to do with the [I]nfinite.
Please see "the work" page here on this website. Find ways to bring your community closer to Judaism, as well as closer to themselves, and empower them to use their minds for the greatest good. You can book one hour speaking event at a Shabbaton or weekday. Please reach out directly to ReM(i) for pricing options depending on location and workshop length.
Organizations work directly with ReM(i) to customize their workshops, building out the touch points that they'd like to address and delivering a message to employees that will help them grow professionally as well as personally.
Contact us.
At ReM(i), we understand that your time is valuable and that privacy is of utmost importance. We respect the confidential nature of your request and assure you that any information you provide will be treated with strict confidentiality.
Our goal is to use the information we collect to schedule a conversation about your current situation and explore how we can best assist you. We look forward to connecting with you and finding solutions that meet your needs.