NAT a small steps methodology for transformation & healing

NAT a small steps methodology for transformation & healing

NAT for Healthcare Groups, Assisted Living and Long Term Care

Demonstrate Your Commitment

Healthcare organizations that offer NAT training for employees can help facilitate patient transitions and reduce emotional stress on caregivers. Supplying healthcare workers with therapeutic techniques can streamline client communications and benefit the entire organization and workflow.

There is a financial impact on healthcare systems when patients are not actively involved in decision making and transitions. Client anxiety arising from misunderstandings of diagnoses, transitional trauma, and feelings of victimization can place added pressure on healthcare workers. NAT is a tool that aims to address these issues and alleviate stressors on healthcare organizations, caregivers, and patients.

Healthcare worker burnout is a well-documented issue in innumerable healthcare settings. Caregivers often bear the responsibility of both physical and emotional care for patients, rather than engaging the patients in their own wellbeing. LeadingAge projects a significant increase in the need for social workers and home health aides by 2050. ReM(i)’s conclusion is that it only makes sense to share therapeutic techniques with diverse healthcare workers in an attempt to accommodate the demand and streamline the emotional workload in a trauma informed way.

The convergence of caregiver burnout, an aging population, and staffing ratio requirements will have financial implications for healthcare institutions. ReM(i)'s research suggests that the re-empowerment model of NAT could help alleviate some of the emotional burden on caregivers, and subsequently the healthcare system as a whole.

Caring for Your Caregivers

Organizations lose over $225 billion a year due to absenteeism related to callouts, according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This staggering number is on top of the operational costs that health systems, such as hospitals, are already losing. High turnover and illness-related absences contribute significantly to financial losses for organizations.

These costs add to the burden of hospital readmissions. By taking a Realistic M(i)nimalism approach, and small steps towards value-based care, both the organization and the worker can mitigate these losses and improve the healthcare system (Thaker & Feeley, 2016).

Value-based care Healing

NAT supports hospital and healthcare systems by providing clients with a tool for emotional growth during their physical healing process. ReM(i) recognizes that a 3-day hospital stay can feel endless, and the time between doctors visits and physical therapy can be arduous. Becoming rooted to a bed with limited television channels can be both dispiriting and monotonous. NAT engages clients with emotional learning between appointments.

Clients feel more empowered and less victimized by the healthcare system when they are involved in decision-making. Offering patients the opportunity for personal growth as part of their discharge plan can be more uplifting than relying solely on physical interventions. Studies indicate that the mind-body connection is significant, revealing the substantial healing potential of our minds and emotions that may have previously been underestimated.

The outcomes of NAT in hospital systems, still being researched, include decreased client boredom, improved client satisfaction during their stay, lower readmission rates, and informed clients who grasp their diagnosis, treatment information and feel empowered for next steps. The NAT coursework, and two therapeutic sessions benefit those who are waiting to be discharged from the hospital, short term rehab or other healthcare setting.

Healthcare is people serving people. One person can never make another happy. Answers to complex emotional issues come from the internal locus of control. ReM(i) trusts our clients to be engaged in their own decision making and wellbeing, and we're here to help you implement tools to engage the (i)ndividual. 

NAT relieves the stresses caregivers face with blinking call bells and the unspoken task of making the patient feel happy. The task of making a client happy in any healthcare system is a daunting and insurmountable one. Happiness and wellbeing come from within and, and this is a big AND, most times caregivers are meeting patients on the worst day of their lives. The trauma of forcing a patient to make changes, either by the family or a change of medical status, compounds the issue.

Hospital systems, assisted livings and any healthcare system can use the NAT program for professional development. Upcoming NAT will also provides CEUs to the licensed healthcare workers in the groups.

Assisted Living Facilities can use NAT prior to a client move-in when there's initial interest from a family. The NAT program will support the clients emotional engagement with their new community and embark on the journey with autonomy. When older adults are forced to make a change in living situation due to family pressures or a change of health status, they can become more attached to the past by speaking about a home they do not live in, a car that they do not drive or a career that is obsolete. Non-Attachment Therapy with material objects helps heal the emotional relationship to a life lived prior to the present-tense.

NAT can help people in the throws of change to achieve happiness and subjective wellbeing. Objects acquired throughout adulthood hold emotional, spiritual and historical significance. When a client says that their children sold their home it speaks to victimization and larger issues that necessitate the help of a compassionate Certified NAT Practitioner.

Historical investigation of mid-life-stage objects helps clients process the past and re-empower them to engage in the present. The non-materialistic happiness or well-being factors of purpose, gratitude, and joy in relationships is available at any age!

Patients in Skilled Nursing Facilities and Hospital Systems can use Telehealth services to connect with a NAT Practitioner from their phone or tablet. Working with a practitioner allows for an engaging use of time, begins the process or continues the emotional work of healing their attachments, supports goals, and mitigates fears that maybe holding them back.

When patients are change ready, they collaborate with healthcare providers in a new way to create a plan for improving their quality of life, reducing readmissions, and bringing about greater patient satisfaction through emotional and intellectual engagement during their care.

About ReM(i) Culture’s NAT Process:

ReM(i)'s NAT reduces hospital readmissions, relieves caregivers from answering multiple call bells, engages clients in emotional learning while they wait to be discharged, and reduces hospital trauma which can include depression and delirium a dementia-like symptom. Through emotional engagement, NAT increases patient happiness and subjective wellbeing. Have your clients engaged an an emotional learning system while they wait for doctors.

Healthcare Systems may qualify for reduced bulk pricing depending on the number of facilities and healthcare workers becoming NAT Certified. Contact ReM(i) for pricing for your organization.

Pricing for Organizations with Licensed Therapists

The model for licensed practitioners, takes into account how much training goes into being a licensed therapist including a masters degree, years of supervision and licensing exams. The cost differential factors in the therapeutic background, knowledge base and years of experience. NAT is a tool to add to a licensed therapist's already brimming toolbox. The price is comparable to other certifications that licensed therapists may be considering.

Therapists Model
$299 for one certification
$125 renewal
One year membership
Listing on
NAT Certification Badge
Access to Bi-Monthly Supervision

Pricing for Organizations with Non-Therapeutic Professionals

The model for non-therapists takes into account the practitioner's compassion and elder care experience, supporting their knowledge base with therapeutic tools. This option allows a non-licensed practitioner to add NAT to their tool kit, so that they can conduct the two one-hour NAT sessions with their clients, staff, care partners, and community ongoing throughout the year.

Pricing Model for Non-Therapists
$999 for one certification
$399 renewal
One year membership
Listing on
NAT Certification Badge
Access to Bi-Monthly Supervision

Contact us.

At ReM(i), we understand that your time is valuable and that privacy is of utmost importance. We respect the confidential nature of your request and assure you that any information you provide will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Our goal is to use the information we collect to schedule a conversation about your current status and explore how we can best assist you. We look forward to connecting with you and finding solutions that meet your needs.

CDC Foundation. (2015). Worker illness and injury costs U.S. employers $225.8 billion annually. Retrieved from:

Goldsmith, Jeff. (2017). How U.S. hospitals and health systems can reverse their sliding financial performance. Harvard Business Review, Retrieved from: financial-performance

Thaker, Nikhil G., & Feeley, Thomas W. (2016). Creating the Healthcare Transformation from Volume to Value. In Phillips R. (Ed.), America's Healthcare Transformation: Strategies and Innovations (pp. 295-316). New Brunswick, New Jersey; London: Rutgers University Press.